Thursday, April 29, 2010


We all get one, that's it. What we do counts, no matter what. I am learning that this is it and it seems that MY life is not in my hands.
Seriously, think about this.....are you happy.
Well,are you?
I'm not.
At least not like I want to be. Take your job for instance, are you happy there? Do you enjoy what you do? And if you do.... I want to hear from you! My job makes me miserable. I try to put a front on while I am there but all in all, I hate it. 12 years later I am still there.
Because I have no choice. I am the rock. The one. And I cannot falter. I am slave to my bills and my responsibilities when all I want to do is run away from it all.
It's my life after all. Why do I have to be unhappy?
Why shouldn't I be happy in my ONE life and enjoy it for what it is!?
There are no answers without major life changes.
I just feel as if we should all have control of our own fate and have the ability to make our own decisions and find our own utopia!
Personal freedom


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Jaded's 4/28 Tangent

I bet the person who invented this holiday or whose job it is to come up with all of these holidays probably does something then makes it a holiday the day after or the day of! Haha. I want that life…

Hmm, I just cleaned out my fridge, now it's a holiday.
I just spoke like a pirate, today is now "nat'l talk like a pirate day"
I am eating eggs, today is "nat'l eat an egg day"
Today is "nat'l wipe coffee off of your forehead day" (ok, that's pushing it)

Last week was national sense of smell day or something like that. I had allergies really badly that day and sadly could not participate

Dear me-only better & jaded,

I will never forget the paper diaries or Dear Abby's but blogging is ingenius!
& does anyone know where Stef has disappeared too?
Well I would like to be the first to second Missy's last notion! I do believe that sums it all up:) I have no comments on the first Blog as I do believe that people have been blogging for years, just not necessarily using a computer to do it. I believe that many diaries, articles and Dear Abby's are the pasts form of Blogs and that people somehow think these rantingsare different now that they are typing it onto a screen instead of handwiring it-obviously a thing of the past, but lets not forget it:) Just a thought. What is yours?




Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Welcome friends!!!!!!
This is so exciting, we are eMbarking on a new journey together. One where we can continue those crazy lunch conversations & takem to a next level!
I believe it is going to be a bumpy ride but it will also be f'in awesome!
Hold on and enjoy!
It's what life is all about!!!

To Blog or Not to Blog...

Would anyone dispute the fact that Doogie Howser was the first official blogger? Please do, otherwise this will make for a very boring blog indeed.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Blogger: Dashboard

Blogger: Dashboard

Allow me to be the first to say that if there was ever a blog to stay tuned to this is the one- believe me fellow bloggers and blog readers- this is the blog to view. I have spent many a lunch and many a day chatting it up with these other three ladies- and you NEVER know where it will go:) So here we go...