Wednesday, May 19, 2010


As a person gets older friends become less accessible due to family but then you have that occasional outing and realize just how important friends are.
There is nothing better than being able to talk about ANYTHING with 3 friends and laughing our asses off while doing it!
Thank you each for being that person... That totally unique individual you are! You rock in every way!!!!!!!


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Celebrity Girl Crushes

Yesterday at work 2 of the woman and myself were discussing our celebrity girl crushes.
Awesome work topic!!!!!!!!

Who is yours & why?

Here are my top 3, in no particular order:
1) Gina Gershon. She is hot. Watch "Bound". Enough said.
2) Pink. Bad girl...... Love the tattoos and the attitude. Might leave my husband for her!
3) Scarlett Johanson..... Her body is awesome. Very curvy... Very female. Love that.


Me-only better

I don't think any of us would be sitting where we do for 8 hours a day!!!! But as much as I love nature and would very much so enjoy working in it, I still have faith in people. Sorry me-only better.
There are good people out there... I know it cuz we are good people. And despite what you think..... You have 3 friends who love you for exactly who are and we do not expect anything back!
Enjoy life....we only get one!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

just a thought...

Other people are allowed to do their stuff... to go where they want, do what they want, be who they want- I want to be me. I want to do all the things I want to do all the time, to make me happy all the time. Well then wouldn't life be grand!!! But allow me to tell you this now- going to a job 40hrs a week and being trapped on my a** 8 hrs a day would not be my fun gig.
I would have a job outdoors, i would work with animals bc., contrary to popular belief, animals rock and people s*ck. Everyone has a motive- everyone wants something from you. Nature and the outdoors- they have no alterior motive- no reason to accept you besides that they do- or they kill you - hey, at least out there you know where you stand. With people; whoever really knows....

Monday, May 3, 2010

Summer's Coming, what happened to your shorts!

In response to Jaded's earlier post....summer is coming. The time of year where if you have extra weight it will seriously haunt you. The time for short shorts, belly baring shirts, little sundresses and bathing suits.
Let me just state for the record, even if I had a slamming figure you wouldn't catch me in short shorts. I think that fad should be over as you enter adulthood!
But even for the younger crowd, highschool and junior high, it is tasteless. I was at a fair this past weekend where I saw a crowd of like 15 years old girls. These girls shirts all looked like Underwhere! All I could think of is the fact that my mother would have killed me & if I had a girl how I would NEVER let her out of the house like that! What happened to the mothers that looked at their children before letting them out? And caring about their appearances? Seriously, how is it ok for these young girls to be running around in shorts that fit like underwear. It's a disgrace. And trust me, I am no prude! But how can a parent, mother or father, of a young girl justify this?Parents- start to look at your children and think about how the are presenting themselves and what we are teaching them. The are our future.


Job Fair in July

Who's in?
I think it could be fun. business casual? no problem. less stress the better.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Why is it that the work week consists if 5 days and the weekend only 2?
It's disturbing. In those 2 days I am supposed to get done everything there is no time for during the week and the fun stuff!
Seriously, with a full time job and baseball for 2 little boys 4/5 days a week there is no time. It is sad that life has to be that way.
A 3 day weekend sound fantastic right about now, two days to clean, and run errands, and family fun stuff and one day to relax!


Healthy Living

Well, everyone, it's almost summer and we all know what that means: less clothing and more skin showing. Ugh. I'm trying my hardest to get into shape so I might actually feel good about wearing simple things like a t-shirt and shorts. I'm not one of those girls who uses the summer as a way to show off my body; I'm still very conservative. But even with conservative outfits, I'm still feeling a bit too heavy in them. I'm already down 4 lbs according to my scale...I think a lot of that can be credited to the heat! I must have sweat most of it out of me--gross!

I'm reading a new book (we'll see if I actually finish it though haha) called "In Defense of Food, an Eater's Manifesto" came out last year or the year before that, but I'm just getting around to picking it up. It's pretty good so far. From what I gather so far, the author seems to be picking a fight with the food marketers who are working hand-in-hand with the scientists to create "nutritionism" over simple food. For example, when addressing what to eat and what not to eat, they are saying words referring to invisible things so as not to piss off the major food industries. Basically, in the 70s, when the government said to eat less meat and dairy, the meat and dairy industries got upset so the government (along with food marketers and scientists) started addressing things as saturated fats and polyunsaturated and antioxidants and carotene, etc...the author feels this is extracting invisible things from actual foods and now all we see on labels are words like the ones I just mentioned vs simple, normal, actual foods. Anyway, if we do this book club thing, I might select that for you all:)

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Well...... It is Saturday and in so many ways it is typical. I had to jump out of bed to get ready....head to the baseball field and then put 2 hours in the snack stand on the hottest day of the year! But in many ways it is not typical , for instance.....right now I am sitting. Doing nothing! LOVE IT!!!!!!! But one thing that makes it different is the automated phone interview I just did! Weird & wild! I had applied for a position in my same field yet at another company and this was the next step. Brillant, that is all I have to say. They totally can get a feel for me, the way I present myself, my speech, intelligence and my phone presence. Let's see what happens next!